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born on 28th octobre 2016, 4 boys (2 blueroan, 2 orangeroan), 3 girls (2 blueroan, 1 orangeroan) - 1 blue boy available

Again I felt in love into an Oldie! The nearly 13 years old Filip is topfit and totally healthy, this are important characteristics, which sweet Filip hopefully give to his offspring!
Filip is PRA and FN clear, hips A and his last clinical eyetest made last year was clear. Heartultrasound this year as a provision-check was also top!
Too Gracie is PRA, FN and AON clear, hips A and clinical eyetest clear.

Manjuno's Everlasting Love Schoko / now Lipton boy blueroan 02:55 325 g
Manjuno's Exciting News Biscuit / now Truls boy orangeroan 03:10 310 g
Manjuno's English Style Charlie boy orangeroan 03:45 310 g
Manjuno's Elements of Joy Alley girl blueroan 03:50 265 g
Manjuno's Eternal Flame Scarlet girl blueroan 04:25 365 g
Manjuno's Exclusive Design Elliott boy blueroan 05:15 330 g
Manjuno's Evening Glow Honey / now Amy girl orangeroan 06:00 280 g

Manjuno's Evening Glow

Manjuno's Eternal Flame

Manjuno's Elements of Joy

Manjuno's Exciting News

Manjuno's English Style

Manjuno's Everlasting Love

Manjuno's Exclusive Design
(press on the pictures to see more pics of each puppy)

Pictures from the puppies

First days | 1 week old | 2 weeks old | 3 weeks old

4 weeks old | 5 weeks old | 6 weeks old | 7 weeks old

8 weeks old | 9 weeks old | 10 weeks old| 12 weeks old

Videos | Goodby to our E's

Pedigree of the puppies





Bleper's Filip

jips A
PRA A, FN clear
C'est Si Bon Oscar De La Renta
Skjervtun's Lia I Son With Travis Travis Touch Mark
Travis Fool's Game
Travis Overdrive
Travis Simply Smashing
Travis Four Wheel Drive
Bleper's Whistle
Bozotligeti Blue Giggolo
Courtmaster I'm A Star
Bozotligeti Blue Universal Picture
Hopeful I Have A Dream
Yolanda's Spinning Wheel
Wedelta's Pretty Surviver
Manjuno's Amazing Grace

hips A, ANO clear
PRA A, FN clear
Worlewood In It To Win It Lynwater Rising
Glow At Ryallcourt
Lynwater Seahaze
Lynwater Evening Glow
Worlewood Sunshine Worlewood Aint No
Castanea O'So Blue
Int-CH, Multi-CH
Make Me Smile
from Luna's Star
Mistily's Chatterbox
Mistily's Amber Gambler
Charbonnel Grace'N'Favour
Dan-L's Wise Portia GB-CH
Manchela Blue Lagoon
Dan-L's It's About Time

Picutres of Filip: