10. 09. 2021 | Cockerclubshow Kosuty SK | R: Frank Kane (UK)

Exc2, resCAC
5 year old, top size, excellent type, very good shoulders and rear angulation, excellent cheast, beautiful head, expression, good feets, front movement little narrow, full of quality

  31. 07. 2021 | Vienna Spaniel Show Schloss Wolkersdorf A | R: Maja Horvat (HR)

Exc1, Honor-BIS,
Best Spaniel bred in LG Vienna
Wonderful type, ideal size and proportion, wonderful head with sweet expression, elegant neck, correct topline and tailset, excellent front and back angulation, wonderful correct movement with super temperament, excellent showcondition and presentation


  01. 08. 2020 | Cockerclubshow Suchohrad SK | R: Bozena Banasiewicz (PL)

kein Richterbericht

  02. 02. 2020 | Cacib Timisoara RO | R: Milivoje Urosevic (SRB)

kein Richterbericht

  01. 02. 2020 | Ch. of Ch. Timisoara RO | R: Nikola Smolic (HR)

kein Richterbericht

  01. 02. 2020 | Cacib Timisoara RO | R: Dusan Paunovic (SRB)

kein Richterbericht

  31. 01. 2020 | Cac Timisoara RO | R: Weron Grzegorz (PL)

Exc1 CAC
kein Richterbericht


  14. 06. 2019 | Eurodogshow Wels A | R: Moray Armstrong (UK)

Exc3 of 11

  10. 03. 2019 | Klubsiegerschau Graz A | R: T.V.A. Boogaert-Kwint (NL)

Exc1 CAC Klubsieger BOB
Bester in Ö gezüchteter Spaniel
Bester Spaniel eines Klub-MG
Well proportioned lovely head, kind expression, good ears, well angulated in front and rear, very good ribs, nicely rounded, good tailset, good bone and feet, lovely coat, free mover

  26. 01. 2019 | Cacib Nitra SK | R: Jana Janek (SK)

Exc2 resCAC
Richterbericht in SK


  09. 12. 2018 | Adventshow Cockerclub CZ | R: Tord Lundborg Zaar (SE)

lovely dark blue, excellent type and size and proportion, beautiful head, well laid shoulder, excellent forchest, lovely body, correct tail set, beautiful dog who doesnt want to show himself today

  11. 11. 2018 | Cacib Karlsruhe D | R: Elisabeth Preissl (A)

2-jähriger, sehr ansprechender Rüde, gut eingesetztes dunkles Auge, excellent angesetzte Behänge, sehr schöne Vorbrust und Brusttiefe, korrekte Rückenlinie und Rutenansatz, sehr schönes gepflegtes Haarklein, sehr gut gewinkelte gut bemuskelte Hinterhand, sehr ansprechendes Wesen, rassetypisches Gangwerk mit viel Schub aus der Hinterhand, fröhliches Rutenspiel

  27. 10. 2018 | Cacib Bratislava SK | R: Weron Grzegorz (PL)

beautiful expression and line of head, enough long neck, good front, good angulation, good set tail, beautiful movement

  14. 07. 2018 | Cockerclubshow Malvern UK | R: Sarah Amos-Jones (UK)


  11. 02. 2018 | CACIB Nitra SK | R: Eva Feszeghyova (SK)

Exc1 CAC
judgereport in SK

  10. 02. 2018 | CACIB Nitra SK | R: Milos Kaspar (CZ)

Exc2 resCAC
judgereport in SK

  04. 02. 2018 | CACIB Brno CZ | R: Robert Kanas (SK)

judgereport in CZ


  9. 12. 2017 | Advent-Clubshow Brno CZ | R: Dusko Piljevic (SRB)

Exc1 CAC
Very attractive dog of excellent size and balance, beautiful masculine head and type, excellent neck and shoulders, lovely legs and feet, lovely round ribs and nice forechest, excellent topline, tailset and carriage, very sound mover, beautiful presented

  3. 12. 2017 | IHA Wels A | R: Davor Javor (HR)

Good size, type and proportions, excellent coat and condition, nice head, correct bite, good eyes, too short ears, good neck, excellent body, well angulated, good bones, nice temperament, correct coming and going, good mover

  2. 12. 2017 | IHA Wels A | R: Linda Volarikova (SK)

Exc1 CAC, CACIB, Best Male, BOB, BOG2
Very nice in type, excellent size and shape, lovely head and expression, proper neck, very well angulated both ends, lovely rib cage and forechest, excellent elbows, correct topline and tail, very breed typical movement

  9. 11. 2017 | WDS Leipzig D | R: Frank Kane (UK)

no judgereport

  1. 10. 2017 | BUS Tulln A | R: Markus Anita (H)

Exc1 CAC
really elegant intermediate male in good size, good bones, he just need more substance, nice head with super proportions, excellent angulations, nice topline, parallel legs, good coat structure, in moving he has closed legs, good steps and he need a little more power

  30. 9. 2017 | IHA Tulln A | R: Rita Kadike-Skadina

Exc1 CAC
Nice male, masculine head with correct lines, good topline, strong back and loin, correct tail, good front and volume, correct coat, correct movement, lovely temperament, but needs more Cocker attitude

  3. 9. 2017 | Jubilee-Clubshow Schloss Zeillern A | R: Milos Kaspar (CZ)

Exc1 CAC
Excellent type, compact body, good construction, strong bones, excellent temperament, excellent movement, really nice presentation and handling

  26. 8. 2017 | Speciality-Clubshow Malacky SK | R: Eva Felszhegyova (SK)

Exc.1, CAC
Translated from SK: very elegant dog in a good type, nice proportions, nice head, strong topline, deep chest, nice angulation in front and behind, nice upperarm, moves well

  10. 6. 2017 | Spaniel-Clubshow Stapar SRB | R: Michael Masters (UK)

Balanced, masculine head, good front construction with depth of forechest, good ribs, short in loin, well angulated in quarters, moving close behind, hocks need more trimming to show definition, har on front legs shows a little loose movement

  20. 5. 2017 | Cacib Wieselburg | R: Hans Steiner (Ö)

13 Monate alter, eleganter Rüde, sehr eleganter Rüdenkopf, mittellanger und mittelkräftiger Hals, gute obere und untere Linie, korrekte Schere, in der Bewegung Vorder- und HInterläufe leicht pfoteneng, flotter Bewegungsablauf, gutes Rutenspiel

  13. 5. 2017 | Clubshow Bac SK | R: Sheila Ewan (UK)

Exc1 CAJC, Junior-BOB, BOB
lovely head and eye, excellent tentition, good gront, neat feet, clean throat, good neck and well-placed shoulders, tight elbows, good with of thigh, lovely bant of stifle, straight hochs, good mover, keeping topline on the move, excellent presentation

  15. 4. 2017 | Cacib Maribor | R: Slavica Skalar (SLO)

Exc1 CAJC, Best Male, BOS

  8. 4. 2017 | Cacib Salzburg | R: Laurent Pichard (CH)

korrekt enwickelter, sehr attraktiver 11 Monate alter dunkelblauschimmel, insgesamt sehr korrekt gebaut, einwandfreie Vorderhand, Front und Hals, schlichtes Haar, korrekt gewinkelt, mit Katzenpfoten, Rückenlinie ist noch etwas weich, läuft und präsentiert sich gut

  2. 4. 2017 | Cacib Bratislava | R: Milos Kaspar (CZ)

Exc1 CAJC, Junior-BOB, Crufts-qu18

  5. 3. 2017 | Klubschau Graz | R: Roxana Opris (RO)

Exc1 CAJC, Best Spaniel from austrian breed
10 months old, beautiful type, excellent head, correct expression, excellent neck and chest, excellent bones, compact and strong body, excellent angulation in front and in back, he moves very easy going, covering the ring and parallel, excellent texture of coat

  4. 3. 2017 | Cacib Graz | R: Rudy Feyaerts (B)

beautiful type and outline, appealing head and expression, excellent overall construction with lovely neck and shoulder, pleasing bone and substance, short, compact body, very well angulated behind, in lovely coat and condition, sound and happy mover

  19. 2. 2017 | CAC Bratislava | R: Robert Kanas (SK)

Exc1 CAJC, Junior-BOB, BOB


  2. 10. 2016 | Spaniel-Clubshow Brno CZ | R: Moray Armstrong UK

Very promising 1, 2nd Baby-BIS
Very promising blue puppy. Good head, eye and expression, excellent bite, good neck and shoulders, good bone and feet, excellent topline and quarters, moved well, keeping a good outline.

  28. 8. 2016 | Clubshow Zebetin CZ | R: Gill Pearce-Gudger UK

Very promising 1
sweet masculine head, good neck and forechest, upper arm, short body with good ribs, rare quarters of good muscle, moved well

  26. 8. 2016 | Eurodogshow Brussels BE | R: Ali Daghistani SRB

Very promising 2
kein Richterbericht

  21. 8. 2016 | Cacib Bratislava SK | R: Janka Janekova SK

Very promising 1, 3rd Baby-BIS
Richterbericht in SK

  13. 8. 2016 | Clubshow Malacky SK | R: Petr Studenik CZ

Very promising 2
Richterbericht in CZ